February 2025 Update Newsletter

Hello, everyone! We've got a short little newsletter for you all this month. In January, we've mostly focused on a new means of strengthening weapons and the Carniflora enemy!


Before we get into that, though, check out the newest source of light! If you can get your hands on the Lantern, it will be quite nice to have, as it does not go out by running and rolling, unlike the torch! The only issue is that you won't be able to light torches with it, so that will still have some utility.

You might have seen Henrietta digging out a peculiar ore in the previous newsletter. There are several ores like this, all with different colors. Get your hands on these Vivid Ores and turn them into Ingots as you would normally do. Fluke specializes in using such ores to permanently strengthen whatever weapon you please! Each ore has a different buff they can apply to your weapon:

- Red Ore: Increase attack power.

- Purple Ore: Less stamina used.

- Orange Ore: More gems dropped on kill.

- Blue Ore: More essence dropped on kill.

- Green Ore: More stun on hit.

Quite valuable and worth doing, I'd say! Just make sure you got the proper amount of coin!


Lastly, let's go over some catches to the Carniflora!

These bestial plants will only be found outside, like in the demo (but not in the courtyard this time!). At night time, lack of sunlight will cause them to curl up into a deep slumber.

Adding to that, when a Carniflora is killed, there is a chance its head will sprout legs of its own to continue attacking you! Don't be caught off guard, it's a ferocious, jumpy little fruit!

That's it for this month, thanks for reading and have a good start to March!

Get Mind Her Manor

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