Hints in your face! Beta Version 1.4 Released

We've (finally) released version 1.4, which addresses a sizeable amount of bug fixes and boasts some new features and gameplay changes. We hope you enjoy the new stuff!

  • Features:
    • New Hint system implemented! The game will pause to tell you how to do things, and are accompanied with cute illustrations! These hints can be turned off in the Video Settings menu.
    • Added an in-game achievement system! Try to complete all 10!
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed Sprite projectile moving even while in pause menu.
    • Fixed analog stick not scrolling journal entries up/down.
    • Fixed issue with Painting objects being deleted at a certain time, making it impossible to finish the puzzle.
    • Therwolf now only drops loot once a day when he's downed.
    • Fixed issue where you can get negative amount of sleep points, which could cause the timer to keep going despite going past the amount of hrs input for sleep.
    • Fixed music playing in game over scene.
    • Needle and Torch are now on their own instead of in treasure chests so that the Seb task can't be completed easily.
    • Fixed issue where you are permanently stuck in a room with only one exit if Therwolf is chasing you and it goes past 6am.
    • Fixed collision box issue with open doors that allowed the player to walk through them when Therwolf entered.
    • Fixed issue where Henri was talking about being sleepy when she shouldn't.
    • Fixed ore in courtyard disappearing if you picked up an ore elsewhere.
    • Fixed issue where you couldn't wet the cloth with a bucket.
  • Gameplay Changes:
    • Stamina amount is now saved in between rooms instead of being replenished.
    • You lose a bit of stamina by tossing stuff.
    • Buffed stamina regen wait duration.
    • You can now roll through enemies.
    • Gyros now have a hitstun state.
    • Gyros speed is now variable. At full health they are very slow. They get faster the less health they have.
    • Added another door sound for specific doors.
    • Paper objects now flash to be more visible.
    • Arrows do more damage.
    • You can now interact with stuff outside no matter the time of day.
    • Added function that will highlight visited rooms in the map with a green region.
    • Added glitter to Salamoney.
    • Added eye icon that shows up when you try to interact with things in darkness.


Mind Her Manor 1.4.zip 89 MB
Jul 09, 2024

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